2025 CFEWS Blog _ Science Journalism in Action

Lets talk Circular Agriculture!

Smart digital agriculture technology by futuristic sensor data collection management by artificial intelligence to control quality of crop growth and harvest. Computer aided plantation grow concept.

Goals and Objectives

We are inviting undergraduate and graduate students across the globe from all academic disciplines to participate in the CFEWS science journalism video-blog competition. The competition highlights students’ scientific journalistic skills and ability to convey reporting about science to the public on topics related to circular agriculture.


Students are asked to create videos that highlight circular agriculture initiatives in their regions. This can be done individually or in groups of no more than three. Participants are asked to create a 60 –180 second video responding to this challenge. Entries must have a designated team faculty leader (from students’ institution) for communications about technical and administrative issues and, where applicable, for finalist and winner notification. There are no restrictions about how you make your video – you can talk to the camera, use props, incorporate animations, etc. The goal is to demonstrate scientific journalistic skills and creativity. Participants will be evaluated based on the relevance to the topic, messaging and communication, ability to convey science reporting to the public, creativity, and video and editing quality.  Projects can be done individually or in groups of no more than three.

Entries here: https://utk.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aX0c3YpstvTECX4


Students are invited to write a blog of 300-400 words that highlight circular agriculture initiatives within their regions. Also they will be asked to submit a photo that reflects/tell their story. Students are encouraged to interview teachers, researchers, policy makers, NGOs and community leaders on latest findings and/or demonstration of circular agriculture. Individual project.

Entries here: https://utk.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bmEbC7JWJ9tuTQ2

Evaluation criteria

Entries must have a designated faculty mentor (from students’ institution). Participants will be evaluated based on the relevance to topic addressed, messaging and communication, creativity, and video and editing quality.

Accuracy: The article/story should be accurate and backed up by reliable, peer-reviewed scientific research.

Clarity: be able to communicate complex ideas and/or concepts to non-technical audiences.

Context: how a discovery or situation fits into a broader context in society.

Balance: present multiple perspectives and viewpoints so your audience can form their own opinion and conclusions. If there is a controversy or new information included in the story, it should be reported on in a fair and balanced way and give each side a chance to explain their viewpoints — while noting the authority of peer-reviewed scientific studies.


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRuCgmzhczsm89jzPtN2Wuw NSF videos

https://new.nsf.gov/science-matters  NSF Blog


All blog submissions must be received by 5:00pm EST on April 20, 2025. They must be submitted through the entry links above. If you have any questions regarding your submission please contact Sara Mulville smulvill@utk.edu.


Awarded blog (video and article categories) will be announced on May 8, 2025. Additionally, they will be displayed at our website and on the Luncheon at CFEWS Research Conference.

Close-up of a vintage typewriter with 'the right to write' typed on paper.