May 2023

Jiaguo Qi

Institution/Organization: Michigan State University Email Address: Committee(s): Collaborator Dr. Qi served as the Director of the Center for Global Change & Earth Observations, Director of the Environmental Science and…

Rodrigo M. Pontiggia

Institution/Organization: Benito Roggio Ambiental Email Address: Committee(s): Collaborator PhD in Chemistry (UBA), Bachelor of Chemistry and Food Technology, University of Belgrano. PhD Fellow, Research Institute in Genetic Engineering and Molecular…

P.V. Vara Prasad

Institution/Organization: Kansas State University, Manhattan Email Address: Committee(s): Collaborator P.V. Vara Prasad is a Distinguished Professor and Director of the Feed the Future Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab at Kansas…

Roxana Paez

Institution/Organization: National Institute of Agricultural Technologies Email Address: Committee(s): Collaborator Roxana Paez has a Ph.D. in Food Science and Technology, Researcher of Milk Quality and Agroindustries Group at the…

Joaquín Mario Ortiz

Institution/Organization: National Institute of Agricultural Technologies Email Address: Committee(s): Collaborator Joaquín Mario Ortiz is an agricultural engineer, graduated from the National University of Tucumán, with a master’s degree in…

Marinus L. Otte

Institution/Organization: North Dakota State University Email Address: Committee(s): Collaborator Dr. Marinus L. Otte is a professor at North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA, and has specialized in wetlands…

Demián Olemberg

Institution/Organization: INTRA Extra-budgetary Projects Management Unit Email Address: Committee(s): Collaborator Demián Olemberg holds a Bachelor in Economics (Universidad de Buenos Aires) and a PhD in Sociales Agrarian Studies (Universidad…

Romina Ochoa

Institution/Organization: INTRA Extra-budgetary Projects Management Unit Email Address: Committee(s): Collaborator Accountant (Buenos Aires University). Romina Ochoa has been in charge of INTA’s new Extra-budgetary Project Management Unit since 2021. She…

Gretchen Neisler

Institution/Organization: University of Tennessee Email Address: Committee(s): Collaborator Gretchen Neisler has been the senior international officer at the University of Tennessee Knoxville since August of 2018. Dr. Neisler provides…

Andrew Muhammad

Institution/Organization: University of Tennessee Email Address: Committee(s): Collaborator Dr. Andrew Muhammad is Professor and Blasingame Chair of Excellence in Agricultural Policy, in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics,…