Institution/Organization: Benito Roggio Ambiental
Email Address:
Committee(s): Collaborator
PhD in Chemistry (UBA), Bachelor of Chemistry and Food Technology, University of Belgrano. PhD Fellow, Research Institute in Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology/CONICET (2001–2009), Visiting Researcher, J W Goëthe Universität, Germany, Scholarship by Boehringer Foundation. He has published articles and given numerous lectures on waste. He is currently Development and Innovation Manager of Benito Roggio environmental where he was responsible for the formation of the R + D + I area. He has led the projects: Use of Biosolids of Sewage origin for vegetation cover of Landfill; Use of stabilized organic fraction in MSW MTB plant (1250 tons / day) for the construction of biocoverage in Landfill; Construction of laboratory and transportable plant of Anaerobic Digestion (with a national award and international recognition).