“One Health: clean water for development”
For the 2023 January Term, students from different disciplines explored the importance of working across multiple industries to address clean water and sanitation. Drs. Jennifer Retherford, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Adam Willcox, research associate professor in the School of Natural Resources, Nan Gaylord, associate dean of practice and global affairs in the College of Nursing, and Sara Mulville, FEWSUS program manager, led a group made up of engineering, agriculture, and nursing students. Group visited Technological University of Panama, University of Panama (Nursing) to meet faculty conducting research in water quality in urban and peri-urban systems. The trip culminated with a visit to Embera-Wounaan indigenous groups in the outskirts of Panama City. Root causes of waterborne illnesses were evaluated within the context of the Emberá-Wounaan comarcas.