Institution/Organization: National Institute of Agricultural Technology
Email Address: descalzo.adriana@inta.gob.ar
Committee(s): Collaborator
Adriana M. Descalzo is a biologist, specialized in food technology and nutrition. She works at the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and coordinates the Program of Added Value, Agroindustry and Bioenergy. She has a PhD degree at the University of Buenos Aires (Biology) and a post-doctoral study at the University of Freiburg, Germany (molecular virology). She also made short stays at the University of Georgia (food stability) and University of California, Davis (food genomics), worked at the Institute of Food Technology at INTA for 22 years with an expatriation at the UMR-Qualisud, CIRAD, France (food quality and technology). Professor at the University of Buenos Aires and University of Morón, with the direction and co-direction of 18 post-graduation thesis and 5 research staff. Presently, the coordination of key actions in agroindustry ow to generate impact between the academic and the productive system in the territory.