Institution/Organization: University of Tennessee
Email Address: amuhamm4@utk.edu
Committee(s): Collaborator
Dr. Andrew Muhammad is Professor and Blasingame Chair of Excellence in Agricultural Policy, in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. Dr. Muhammad previously served as the Associate Director of the Markets and Trade Economics Division (2016-2018) at the Economic Research Service (ERS), U.S. Department of Agriculture. He also served as Chief of the International Demand and Trade Branch at ERS (2013-2016). His current research focuses on agricultural trade and trade policy, global competitiveness of U.S. agriculture, effects of trade on developing countries, and determinants of global food choice. He currently serves on several Advisory Boards, including the Agricultural Policy Advisory Committee (APAC), which provides trade policy counsel to the Secretary of (Muhammad continued) Agriculture and USAID’s Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD) Subcommittee on Systemic Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Food Systems.