Institution/Organization: Makerere Univeristy, Uganda
Email Address: ankaaya@caes.mak.ac.ug
Website: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Archileo-Kaaya
Committee(s): Collaborator
Professor Archileo N. Kaaya has teaching and research experience of more than 20 years in the Department of Food Technology and Nutrition, Makerere University, Uganda. He possesses a PhD in Food Science and Technology from Virginia Tech USA/Makerere University and MSc from University of Florida, USA. His main areas of research are Food Safety and quality where he has published widely in international journals. He has been a Principal investigator of several research projects networking with scientists all over the world. He has good experience working with urban and peri-urban communities, to address food and nutrition security issues. He belongs to several technical committees in Uganda including those addressing issues of food quality, safety and nutrition. He has been awarded several consultancies by international organizations like USAID, WHO, FAO and WFP to address Food Safety and nutrition in the country. He has received several awards and, is a Fellow of the Uganda Academy of Sciences.