Institution/Organization: National Institute of Agriculture Technology
Email Address: b.gibellina@gmail.com
Committee(s): Collaborator
Architect, International Specialist in Spatial Planning and the Environment; Master’s Degree in Management of Business Innovation, and Doctor from the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Legal Regime, Territorial Planning, the Environment and Urban Planning. She is a specialist in issues that contribute to the sustainability of urban settlements. She focuses on territorial planning with an emphasis on the study of peri- urban interfaces -urban-natural and urban-rural-; within them, to the food systems close to the cities, mainly horticulture and farm, understanding them as strategic green infrastructures for sustainable urban development. She provides a look at the complexity of these systems based mainly on family farming and integrates aspects of adaptation and mitigation of climate change. Another line of research is the coexistence conflicts between extensive production and urban settlements, due to contamination by drift of agrochemicals. She has created and coordinates the O-AUPA Observatory (Urban Agriculture, Periurban Agriculture and Agroecology) based at INTA AER Córdoba, and the Periurban Network that articulates different research teams and other social actors linked to the issues she works on. She is also an Assistant Professor of Architecture IIIC and holder of Environment and Society at FAUD-UNC. She is director and co-director of postgraduate students with CONICET, CONAE, UNC scholarships. She has 15 published books and several magazine articles and book chapters.