Institution/Organization: Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), Argentina Email Address: Committee(s): Collaborator Dr. Melisa Deciancio is Senior Fellow Researcher at the University of Münster. She is also Research Fellow…
Institution/Organization: Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO), Argentina Email Address: Committee(s): Collaborator Dr. Melisa Deciancio is Senior Fellow Researcher at the University of Münster. She is also Research Fellow…
Institution/Organization: University of Tennessee, Knoxville Email Address: bradday@utk.edu Committee(s): Collaborator Dr. Brad Day is the Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Innovation Initiatives at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He joined…
Institution/Organization: University of Buenos Aires Email Address:gcopello@ffyb.uba.ar Committee(s): Collaborator G. Copello is an Adjunct Professor at Departament de Ciencias Químicas, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad de Buenos Aires and…
Institution/Organization: Iowa State University Email Address: ccurrey@iastate.edu Committee(s): Collaborator Dr. Currey has appointments in research, teaching, and extension. His controlled-environment and greenhouse crop research is focused on providing research-based best-management…
Institution/Organization: Oak Ridge National Laboratory Email Address: christophesc@ornl.gov Committee(s): Collaborator Dr. Carter Christopher is Section Head for Human Dynamics R&D and Distinguished Research Scientist in Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Geospatial…
Institution/Organization: University of Tennessee Email Address:cchen26@utk.edu Committee(s): Collaborator Dr. Chien-fei Chen is an environmental sociologist, Research Associate Professor and the Director of Energy and Environmental Justice at the Institute for…
Institution/Organization: University of Buenos Aires Email Address: ncaracciol@fi.uba.ar Committee(s): Collaborator Dr. Caracciolo has a Ph.D in Chemical Engineering from the University of Buenos Aires. His doctoral disertation was titled “Use…
Institution/Organization: Team Leader of the Low Carbon & Circular Economy Business Action Email Address: Committee(s): Collaborator Alfredo Caprile has more than 30 years of international experience in providing financial…
Institution/Organization: University of Tennessee Email Address: dcarrie1@utk.edu Committee(s): Collaborator Danielle Julie (goes by Julie) received her BSc in Agricultural Engineering in 1984, her M Eng in Chemical Engineering in 1986…