Institution/Organization: George Mason University
Email Address: cahn@gmu.edu
Website(s): https://www.changwooahn.com/
Keyword(s) of Area of Expertise:
Bio: Professor and Graduate Program Director
Changwoo Ahn’s research centers on wetland ecosystem ecology, system ecology, and ecological engineering. Ahn’s dissertation work focused on designing and constructing wetlands to improve water quality by reuse of combustion by-products (i.e., wastes for landfills) from power plants in the Midwest, incorporating system ecological approaches. Ahn studied biogeochemical and ecological processes in a human-created wetland complex at the Olentangy River Wetland Research Park (ORWRP), now designated as the 24th Ramsar (i.e., a wetland of international importance) site in the United States. Ahn served as a consultant and participant in the making of the television documentary titled “Restore wetlands as a resource for the future” by Korea Broadcasting System (KBS ) for the RAMSAR International Conference in 2008.