Institution/Organization: University of Tennessee
Email Address:cchen26@utk.edu
Committee(s): Collaborator
Dr. Chien-fei Chen is an environmental sociologist, Research Associate Professor and the Director of Energy and Environmental Justice at the Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment (ISSE), the Education and Diversity at the Center for Ultra-wide-area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks (CURENT), Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She is also the Co-director of Center for the Study of Social Justice at the University of Tennessee Dr. Chen’s research centers on environmental sociology, energy justice and policy and renewable energy technology adoption and community engagement. Her main research goals are to conduct interdisciplinary research in integrating social-technological aspects in EV and solar adoption, power grid resilience, and energy inequality among underserved communities, as well as provide practical knowledge to academic, communities, utilities, and policy makers. Dr. Chen publications appear in many interdisciplinary journals, including Building and Environment, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Environmental Sociology, Energy, Environmental Sociology, Energy and Buildings, Energy Policy, Energy Research and Social Science, Energy and Buildings, Journal of Environmental Psychology, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Electric Power Systems Research, and so on. Dr. Chen has been actively involved with several international and interdisciplinary networks. She has received several research awards from National Science Foundation and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. In 2022, she has two-large scale funded NSF projects: Smart Connected Community “Advancing Human- Centered Sociotechnical Research for Enabling Independent Mobility in People with Physical Disabilities,” and “Strengthening American Infrastructure: Community- centered Decision-making Framework for Microgrid Deployment to Enhance Energy Justice and Power System Resilience.” In 2019, Dr. Chen received the Fulbright U.S. and UK Global Scholar Award for her energy justice work.