Institution/Organization: National Institute of Agricultural Technology of Argentina
Email Address: somma.daniel@inta.gob.ar
Committee(s): Collaborator
Dr. Daniel Somma is a senior researcher at the National Institute for Agricultural Technology (INTA). He has an Agricultural Engineering degree from the National University of Buenos Aires and a doctoral degree from Wageningen University, Netherlands. He has served as a consultant for agricultural planning, sustainable forestry production and information systems in different projects of a private and public nature in provincial (Salta, Jujuy, Catamarca, Santa Cruz), national and international (Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay) settings. He has participated as Director or Principal Consultant in projects of the IDB, the GEF (World Bank), the UNDP, the EU, and or financed by international organizations (JICA, AECI). He has been Director of the Buenos Aires Norte Regional Center (2013 – 2016) and President of National Parks (2019 – 2021). He is the author of several publications: scientific articles and book chapters. Among them, 20 are selected referring to land use planning, rural planning and the implementation of information systems; He has participated as a speaker and lecturer in different meetings held in Germany, Holland, Italy, the United States, Brazil, Kenya, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile and Mexico. He has received several scholarships for higher education: Junta de Gobierno de Andalucía (Spain), Royal Netherlands Fellowship (ITC and Agrarian University of Wageningen, The Netherlands), Fulbright Commission (University of California, Davis and Berkeley), Canon National Parks Science Scholars Program (Canon USA Inc., AAAS, National Parks Service, USA) and New Zealand Government scientific cooperation, among others