Institution/Organization: National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA)
Email Address: elenahidalgo1@gmail.com
Committee(s): Collaborator
Dr. Elena Hidalgo is a researcher at the Argentine National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) based at the San Juan province Agricultural Experiment Station. Her work involves educational extension, management of territorial development programs and training of human resources. Within the framework of the FOAR Program for Bilateral Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, she participated in technical consulting mission for Pro-Huerta Program in Colombia (2002), Grenada (2003), Bolivia (2004), Mexico (2005), Mozambique (2006) and Colombia (2007). She is also a Professor and Researcher at the San Juan National University in Argentina and she is chair for the Human Ecology lab in the Department of Sociology – Faculty of Social Sciences and the Extension and Rural Sociology lab in the Department of Agronomic Engineering -Faculty of Engineering since. She has a Ph.D. in Human Ecology from Michigan State University.