FEWSUS Short-term course_ Argentina

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“Circular Production and Agri-food Systems”

Drs. Jonathan Walton, Christopher Boyer and Sara Mulville (program manager) with a group of 16 Agricultural Economics students travel to Argentina for 10 days during March 2023. This tour was organized in collaboration with the School of Agriculture of the University of Buenos Aires (FAUBA) and National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA). UT Students visited leading regional agribusiness and talked to Argentine researchers and leaders working on bioenergy, circular economy and climate smart agriculture. Visits included plants of Adecoagro, Bio4, CREA—Argentine Association of Regional Consortiums for Agricultural Experimentation,  Rosario Board of Grain, Bioeconomy Group Buenos Aires Board of Grain. Additionally students met with Rachel Bickford (US Embassy Agricultural Counselor in Buenos Aires) to learn about US Mission in Argentina and were also able to visit urban horticultural markets with INTA’s Buenos Aires experimental unit researchers. This course was developed with support from Department of Sate IDEAS Capacity program. Faculty involved in this grant included Drs. Jurat-Fuentes, Boyer, Walton, Rius and Willcox. For more information about this funded project please click here

The students hit the ground running, with strategic visits that included:

  • ACA port—Argentina’s cooperatives association
  • Rosario stock exchange
  • Adecoagro—a 14,000-cow dairy
  • AACREA—Argentine Association of Regional Consortiums for Agricultural Experimentation
  • Buenos Aires Board of Trade
  • Livestock, dairy, corn, and soybean farms and processor
  • Bio4
  • Villa Maria Cheese and dairy cluster

Bio 4, Rio Cuarto Cordoba
CREA Farmer's Association
Bioeconomy Group, Buenos Aires Board of Grain. Ramiro Costa
Guido D'Angelo, Rosario Board of Trade.

  • Students at the Rosario Stock Exchange in Argentina
  • Students at Argentine Association of Regional Consortiums for Agricultural Experimentation
Capybaras in Buenos Aires