Email Address: guidobambini@gmail.com
Country: Argentina
Institution: Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Ingeniería y Agrimensura – Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Program of Study: Ingeniería Civil
My name is Guido Bambini, I am a 23 years old Civil Engineer from the National University of Rosario. I am currently doing postgraduate studies in political economy at the Argentine political economy center. I work at the Rosario Mobility Institute where we focus on a paradigm shift that includes the promotion of public transport, the discouragement of the use of private motorized transport and the promotion of sustainable means of transport in the city. On the other hand, I have been involved since August 2020 in a program called “Programa Barrios” of the Sanitary Engineering Center of my College. Programa Barrios was thought as a permanent program of extension, research and training of young professionals, whose main objective is to contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development objectives from the improvement of water and sanitation services in poor neighborhoods