Institution/Organization: University of Buenos Aires
Email Address: gschrauf@agro.uba.ar
Committee(s): Collaborator
Gustavo Schrauf is a genetist and plant breeder, agronomist of Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), Magister Scientiae (UNR-INTA) and Doctor in Agricultural Sciences UBA. He is Full Professor of the Chair of Genetics at FAUBA and Director of the Hatchery “Cultivos del Sur” FAUBA. He has supervised numerous undergraduate (33) and postgraduate (10) thesis students. Many of whom currently direct breeding programs in the public and private spheres. The cultivars generated by the research and development group currently within the Plant Breeding Programs at “Cultivos del Sur” Hatchery have had outstanding performances when they were tested in cultivar evaluation networks. Part of the cultivars were obtained from native species (5). Additionally, experimental plants were obtained through transgenesis and intragenesis, currently under evaluation, and progress has been made in obtaining the genome of the native forage Paspalum dilatatum. Improvement programs with a high level of collaboration on the part of the agricultural producers, called participatory breeding, are also being developed at the Hatchery in corn, tomato and forages species. He has generated numerous agreements for academic cooperation and technological linkage.