Institution/Organization: University of Tennessee
Email Address: jgreig@utk.edu
Committee(s): Collaborator
Assistant Professor, Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications University of Tennessee
Originally from Scotland, Dr. Jamie Alexander Greig received his PhD in communication and information, focusing on electric cooperatives as a solution to broadband access in rural areas, from the University of Tennessee having already received an MS in communication and information from UTK. Dr. Greig’s primary area of focus is information and communications technology (ICT) access, adoption, and utilization in the agricultural sector and rural areas. His studies examine broadband and other communication network access and their impact on precision agriculture, rural communities, as well as the adoption and utilization of digital communication technologies. Dr. Greig is a Research Fellow at the Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy at the University of Tennessee, is Vice Chair of the UTIA Faculty Innovation Council, and has served as the Communications Director for the Law and Policy Division of the Broadcast Education Association