Email Address: dcarrie1@utk.edu
Website(s): https://utia.tennessee.edu/person/?id=11462
- Project Steering Committee
- Research Coordination Advisory Board
Keyword(s) of Area of Expertise:
- Biomass
- saccharification
- phytochemicals
- circular economy
Bio: Professor & Head | Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Kandhola G, Djioleu A, Rajan K, Labbe N, Sakon J, Carrier DJ, and Kim JW. Maximizing production of cellulose nanocrystals and nanofibers from pre-extracted loblolly pine kraft pulp: a response surface approach. (2020) Bioresources and Bioprocessing
Rajan K, Djioleu A, Kandhola G, Labbe N, Sakon J, Carrier DJ, and Kim JW. Investigating the effects of hemicellulose pre-extraction on the production and characterization of loblolly pine nanocellulose. (2020) Cellulose 27: 3693-3706.
Rajan K, Elder T, Abdoulmoumine N, Carrier DJ, and Labbe N (2020) Understanding the in-situ state of lignocellulosic biomass during ionic liquids-based engineering of renewable materials and chemicals. Green Chemistry 22: 6748-6766.