Institution/Organization: Ministry of Science and Technology, Argentina
Email Address: ltoum@mincyt.gob.ar
Committee(s): Collaborator
Laila Toum Terrones is an Assistant Researcher in the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and currently plays a role in the Ministry of Science and Technology, Argentina. She earned her Bachelor and PhD degrees in Biological Science in the University of Buenos Aires. She conducted her graduate studies in the Laboratory of Molecular Phytopathology, at the University of Buenos Aires. PhD studies focused on plant-microbe interaction, studying suppression mechanisms of immune response by Xanthomonas campestris campestris (Xcc) in (Terrones continued) A.thaliana plants. As a postdoctoral research fellow in the Biotecnology Institute in Tucumán, Argentina, she studied the drought tolerance in soybean plants through transcriptomic and genomic approaches. She has published 11 peer reviewed papers in this field. Since 2020, she is working in the Ministry of Science, Tecnology and Innovation with the aim of consolidate science and technology political policies to contribute to Argentina development.