Institution/Organization: Climate Hazard Center, University of California – Santa Barbara
Email Address: harrison@geog.ucsb.edu
Website: https://www.chc.ucsb.edu/people/laura-harrison
Committee(s): Collaborator
Specialist and Operations Analyst for the Climate Hazards Center
Laura’s professional activities include monitoring and forecasting climate impacts to agriculture and examining historical variability and change, primarily in food insecure regions of Africa. She is an active user of earth observation data for her work with FEWS NET and helps support CHC data products and operations.
Laura is also a science writer for the GEOGLAM Crop Monitor. The CHC provides regional outlooks for areas of concern based on assessments of recent conditions and short and long-term weather forecasts.
She has a Masters and Ph.D. in Geography from UCSB. Some of her published research has examined drivers of East Africa precipitation trends and hazards to maize production related to increasing temperatures