Institution/Organization: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Email Address: lorenzo.pugliese@agro.au.dk
Committee(s): Collaborator
Associated Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Director of Sustainability Education and Research for the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dr. Lorenzo Pugliese has a PhD degree from Aalborg University (Denmark) on environmental engineering with specialization on the multi-linkage between the fundamental mechanisms of transport and the porous media physical properties. Since 2014, he has been employed at Aarhus University (Denmark) initially as a postdoc and currently as an academic employee. In 2020, he participated as an experienced researcher in a H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018 led by the University of Calabria (Italy) and had a 3-month stay at Universidad Adolfo Ibanez (Chile). The earlier-research interest lay primarily on understanding and exploring the processes governing gas and solute transport in different media. These processes are of utmost importance in a large number of important applications such as transport and removal of contaminants in cleaning filters, removal of unwanted suspended materials, salt water intrusion into fresh water bodies, movement of pollutants in soil. Today, the primary research focus is on edge-of-filed technologies for treating nutrient losses (primarily nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)) from agricultural drainage waters. These technologies include constructed wetlands, wood-chip bioreactor and compact filter systems. He has great interest in the hydrological characterization of these technologies through the use of tracer tests and numerical modeling, in order to improve the system nutrient removal performance. Moreover, the latest works focused on the role of many environmental factors (i.e. climate, hydraulic retention time, nutrient load and dominant forms) on the biogeochemical transformations of carbon, N and P. Lorenzo has a good publication record and a large research network.