Institution/Organization: National Institute of Agriculture Technology
Email Address: echarte.maria@inta.gob.ar
Committee(s): Collaborator
María Mercedes Echarte is a Biochemist working in biomass and bioenergy field. Graduated in Buenos Aires University (UBA), she obtained her PhD in Biophysics in the Biological Chemistry and Physical-chemistry Institute (IQUIFIB, UBA). She made postdoctoral stays at the Center for Advanced Microscopies (Physics Department, UBA) and Plant Physiology Laboratory (Mar del Plata National University). She made short research stays at Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Goettinghen, Germany), Institute of Fat CSIC (Sevilla, Spain) and INRA (Toulouse, France). She recently obtained her diploma in “Strategic design of technologies for a sustainable inclusive development” from Quilmes National University. She is currently a scientific researcher of INTA and CONICET and Professor of the Agronomy School of Mar del Plata National University. She is directing projects, PhD thesis and postdoctoral fellowships aimed at developing strategies for waste valorization through anaerobic digestion and technologies for upgrading and use of biogas and digestate.