Institution/Organization: National Institute of Agricultural Technology
Email Address: martin.bruno@inta.gob.ar
Committee(s): Collaborator
Martín Bruno is an INTA-CONICET doctoral scholarship holder, completing his doctorate at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) under the title of “Dynamics of the generation of vegetable waste in fruit and vegetable wholesale market in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires (AMBA): alternatives for its comprehensive management”. He has publications in scientific journals as main author and co-author, oriented to food loss and waste, urban solid waste (RSU), environment, supply markets, innovation in production systems and rural development. Within INTA, it is part of the Disciplinary Project (PD-L04-I123) “Rescue of food, use of by-products, residues and discards of agro-bioindustry for food use and added value”, the Specific Project (PE) I173 of ” Marketing and consumption of Family Farming products”, the “Loss Prevention Network (harvest and post-harvest) and Food Waste” and the “Regional and Territorial Development Program by Thematic Area”, continuing its research on organic waste generated by the fruit and vegetable wholesale market of the AMBA.