Institution/Organization: Technical University Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso
Email Address: michael.seeger@usm.cl
Committee(s): Collaborator
Dr. Michael Seeger Pfeiffer is Full Professor in Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Microbiology at Chemistry Department, Technical University Federico Santa Maria in Valparaiso, Chile. He is Director of the Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology and Environmental Biotechnology and Senior Scientist of the Center for Biotechnology “CBDAL”. He is Biochemist and PhD in Biology of Universidad de Chile. His PhD thesis was conducted at German Research Centre for Biotechnology (Braunschweig, Germany) with Prof. Kenneth N. Timmis and Dr. Bernd Hofer. He is author of >135 scientific publications and 2 books on microbial metabolism and genetics, bioremediation, microbial ecology, bacterial leaching, and synthesis of bioproducts. He is inventor of 5 international patent families. He has guided 15 postdocs, 36 PhD, and 37 Master/undergraduate students. He is Director of the Biotechnology PhD program UTFSM-PUCV, Coordinator of the Latin American Network of Biotechnology PhD programs RIABIN since 2009, and member of Milano-Bicocca Environmental Sciences PhD program (Italy, 2017-2021). He received the “Scopus-Conicyt” award 2013 for the highest impact research in Biology & Biotechnology in Chile, American Academy of Microbiology fellowship (2009), Max Planck Society fellowship (Germany, 2010-2011) and was awarded with the Honorary Membership of the Chemical Society of Cuba (2018). He was president of Latin American Association of Microbiology (2004-2006) and Chilean Society of Microbiology (2004-2008), and co-Chair of First Latin American ISME-LA 2019 meeting (Valparaiso, Chile). Since March 2021 he is director of the Chilean Society of Biology.