Institution/Organization: University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Email Address: jin@utk.edu
Website: https://ise.utk.edu/people/mingzhou-jin/
Committee(s): Education/Database Coordinator, Project Steering Committee, Education Coordination Advisory Board
Mingzhou Jin is the Associate Professor and Associate Department Head of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at UT and also directing both the Logistics, Transportation, and Supply Chain Engineering (LTS) lab and the Reliability and Maintainability Engineering (RME) program for the College of Engineering. He has done about 40 projects in the areas of transportation, optimization, systems engineering, and logistics with total funding of more than $8M. His sponsors include USDOT, Department of Homeland Security, three State DOTs, American Trucking Associations, several University Transportation Centers, and various companies. He has been a consultant for the Chief technical consultant for New Global Systems for Intelligent Transportation Management (NGSIM) since 2009. With more than $2M funding from USDOT, NGSIM is developing a microscopic simulation package to support connected vehicles research and education. Jin has been also working on how to use connected vehicles technology to improve the safety and mobility performance at signalized intersections and to improve battery performance and driver experience for electric vehicles. Jin is currently the president of the Engineering Economy division of the Institute for Industrial Engineers (IIE), the president-to-elect of the IIE Logistics and Supply Chain Division, and the secretary of the INFORMS Railway Application Society. He is serving on the editorial boards of the world-famous journals of the Engineering Economists, the Journal of Cleaner Production, and the International Journal of Production Economics. He has published more than 80 research papers in journals and refereed conferences, such as Transportation Research Part B, Transportation Research Record, Naval Research Logistics, Operations Research Letters, European Journal of Operational Research, and Journal of Transportation Research Forum.