Institution/Organization: University of Nebraska
Email Address: nshank@nebraska.edu
Website: https://ppc.unl.edu/staff/nancy-shank
Committee(s): Collaborator
Research Associate Professorship at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Nancy Shank has been the Associate Director at the Public Policy Center since 1998, and from September 2014 – August 2016, served as the Center’s Acting Director. Much of Dr. Shank’s research focuses on technology adoption, interoperability for information sharing between organizations, information and referral, economic and community development, organizational systems and behavior, human services systems, and natural resources management. In addition to her work at the Center, Dr. Shank also holds a Research Associate Professorship at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, has served on multiple grant review panels, and provided strategic facilitation for a wide variety of groups both locally and nationally.