Institution/Organization: University of Buenos Aires
Email Address: ncaracciol@fi.uba.ar
Committee(s): Collaborator
Dr. Caracciolo has a Ph.D in Chemical Engineering from the University of Buenos Aires. His doctoral disertation was titled “Use of Polymeric Dispersions in reactors for Industrial Effluents Treatment”. He is a researcher at the University of Buenos Aires in the Chemistry Department. 2019-2020 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the 15th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. Cologne, Germany. Member of the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee of the 2nd Latin American Conference (2020) on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. Organized by SDEWES Centre, University of Zagreb and University of Lisbon. Buenos Aires, February 2020. 2019-current Member of the Curricular Commission of Industrial Engineering (FIUBA). Current Director of the Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (LaQuiAm). He directed the 2018 Project UBACYT: “Development of low-cost reactors for water treatment”; 2017 University Extension Project: “Contributions for intervention in housing improvement in the context of environmental pollution.” He has been faculty at the University of Buenos Aires since 2012. In 2018-2019 Member of the project “Cooperativism and Social Economy at the University”: “Healthy Water in pursuit of socio-environmental sustainability in Wichi Communities of northwestern Formosa with their schools”. INAES, Education Ministry, University Policies Secretary. Supervised theses: 3 doctoral theses in progress, 7 completed master’s theses and 7 completed bachelor’s theses. 8 patents filed, 7 in Argentina and 1 in Chile, 6 of them transferred to the industry. Participation in 5 book chapters, 20 articles in national and international referred magazines, 25 conference proceedings with reference. Presentations at conferences: Nationals: 40, Internationals 61.