Institution/Organization: University of Osijek, Croatia
Email Address: rspajic@tennessee.edu
Committee(s): Collaborator
Adjunct Professor, Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science, University of Tennessee, Institute of Agriculture
Dr. Spajić is presently employed at Department for Agricultural Techniques and Renewable Energy Sources under the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek. Prior to his employment at the University he was employed as a Director of Swine Production within the Agrokor Company in Croatia. His work within the Agrokor Company was focused on developing large commercial swine production systems in Croatia, including introduction of waste management solutions on a large-scale livestock farm operation, followed by development of biogas plant technical solutions.
In period from 2004 – 2007, Dr. Spajić worked for Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI) for four years as an extension agricultural consultant on US Embassy-USAID agricultural development projects in Croatia. From 2000 – 2004, Dr. Spajić was employed on several large-scale dairy and beef operation and led the development of several large-scale dairy operations in Croatia. In period from 2008 – 2009 he was a Fulbright Scholar as a Scientist on Iowa State University, pursuing his doctorate degree in Biotechnical Science and Ag. Engineering, focusing on Waste management, fermentation processes and Biogas plant Engineering. He holds Ph.D. in Biotechnical Science and Agricultural Engineering, from University of J. J. Strossmayer Osijek in Croatia. Mr. Spajić also served as an external adviser to the Ministry of Agriculture of Croatia in process of adjusting Croatian agricultural laws to meet European Union Standards as Croatia prepares to seek membership in the European Union. Mr. Spajic has worked on projects in Croatia, USA, Germany, Finland, Russia, Ukraine, Czech, Serbia and Italy. He is a member of ASABE Association – American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and member of Fulbright Alumni. He is also a member of Croatian Agricultural Society and Croatian Association of Court Entrepreneurs.
In more than 20 years of work experience, he published more than 50 scientific papers and conduct numerous public presentations focused on livestock and agricultural industry waste management issues. From 2015 Dr. Spajić is a member of Board of Directors at International Research Center for Animal Environment and Welfare in China. Presently he is a Member of European Commission Technical Working Group for IPPC/IED Directive implementation in two sectors – Food Drink and Milk Sector and Intensive Rearing of Pigs and Poultry Sector.