Institution/Organization: National Institute of Agricultural Technology
Email Address:bocchetto.roberto@inta.gob.ar
Committee(s): Collaborator
Roberto Bocchetto, is an agronomic engineer at the National University of Mar del Plata, Master of Science in Agrarian Economics from the Graduate School for Agricultural Sciences of the Argentine Republic; Master of Arts in Economics and PhD in Agricultural Economics from Michigan State University, USA. He currently serves in INTA as Associate Professional with the role of Advisor in organization and management of institutional innovation. Positions held: Director of the MINCyT/BIRF Project: “Bioeconomy of Northern Argentina” – INTA-INTI-UNNE-UNSa- UNSE Consortium (2018-2021); Coordinator of the Agroindustrial Public Management Residency Program (postgraduate) and the study team on: “Development, industrialization and convergence field-industry” – Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (2015); Director of the MINCyT/BIRF Project: “Studies of the Argentine Agro-Industrial Sector” – Consortium INTA-UNL-Grupo REDES-Fundación Banco Credicoop (2011-2013); Regional Coordinator of the Regional Platform for Institutional Innovations for the Development of PROCISUR (2009-2014); INTA National Director (2003-2007); Executive Secretary of PROCISUR (1995-2003); Director of PROCISUR/IDB Project: “Organization and management of agri-food and agro-industrial technological integration in the expanded Mercosur – Global Project” (1999-2001).
He worked as an International Expert on FAO, UNDP and IICA in the Integrated Rural Development Programs of Northeast and Northwest Brazil (1985-1992).