Institution/Organization: Buenos Aires University – Economy School
Email Address: robertobisang@gmail.com
Committee(s): Collaborator
Roberto Bisang has a degree in Economics from National Rosario University (1977) and a Master of Science from the Center for Macroeconomic Studies (1983) and was Visiting Fellow of the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of Sussex University (1988). He is a Professor of Agricultural Economics and Senior researcher (A1 category) of the Interdisciplinary Institute of Political Economy (IIEPD) of the Faculty of Economic Sciences UBA / CONICET; Coordinator of the National Agricultural Census and National Director of Statistics of the Primary Sector of INDEC (2017/9); Specialist in Industrial Organization, Technology and Sectoral Analysis and Consultant for various international organizations (ECLAC, World Bank, IDB, PAHO, WHO, UNIDO, FAO), national (MINAGRO, INTA, MINCYT) and private companies.