Institution/Organization: National Institute for Agricultural Technology
Email Address: ambrosi.vanina@inta.gob.ar
Committee(s): Collaborator
Dr. Vanina Ambrosi serves as a researcher at the National Institute of Agricultural Technology in the Biochemistry and Nutrition Area of
the Institute of Food Technology. She received her Ph.D. from University of Buenos Aires, and her Food Engineer and BSc in Biotechnoly from the
National University of Quilmes. Dr. Ambrosi research focus on technologies for obtaining food and bioproducts utilization of residues, discards and
agri-food and agricultural by-products; food processing techniques to obtain hypoallergenic products; and immunochemical & molecular techniques
for fresh and processed agri-food authentication and allergen detection. She participates in various INTA, PICT and UBA Projects. Dr. Ambrosi teaches
undergraduate courses at the National University of Morón, and undergraduate & postgraduate courses at the University of Buenos Aires. She is a
Member of the Interinstitutional Food Allergens Platform and participates at the INTA Food Allergens Platform.