Website: The Water, Energy & Food Security Resource Platform Objective: The Water, Energy & Food Security Resource Platform is an independent information and facilitating platform. Serves as a global information…
Water-Energy-Food Security Resource Platform
WEF Nexus in Africa Initiative
Website: Water/Energy/Food Nexus in Africa Objective: To develop a community of practice that fosters capacity building with local and global partners that address the intersection of the water, energy and…
Resource Template
Website: Objective: Geographical Focus: FEW/FEWSUS: Coordinators: Current Relevant Work:
Bridget Scanlon

Institution/Organization: University of Tennessee- Knoxville Email: Website: Committee(s): Collaborator Dr. Bridget R. Scanlon is among the leading hydrogeologists and conducts research at the Bureau of Economic Geology at…
Jiří Klemeš

Institution/Organization: University of Tennessee- Knoxville Email Address: Website: Committee(s): Collaborator Head of a Centre of Excellence “Sustainable Process Integration Laboratory – SPIL”, NETME Centre, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,…
Esther Parish

Institution/Organization: Oak Ridge National Lab Email Address: Website: Committee(s): Collaborator Geographer & Landscape Ecologist Dr. Esther S. Parish has been a researcher with ORNL’s Environmental Sciences Division since 2010 and…
Richard Hopper

Institution/Organization: Tufts University and Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. Email Address: Website: Committee(s): Collaborator Executive Director of the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement…
Xuesong Zhang

Institution/Organization: University of Illinois Website: Committee(s): Collaborator Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) Dr. Zhang is a Principal Investigator for the NSF grant award: A Modeling Framework…
Laura Harrison

Institution/Organization: Climate Hazard Center, University of California – Santa Barbara Email Address: Website: Committee(s): Collaborator Specialist and Operations Analyst for the Climate Hazards Center Laura’s professional activities include monitoring…
Stephen Long

Institution/Organization: University of Illinois Email Address: Website: Committee(s): Collaborator Director of RIPE – Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency for improved crop production, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Project; Center for…