Thursday, October 28, 2021 | 3:30- 4:30 PM EST (U.S. Eastern Time)
Hibrid Event | in person/ virtual
Room PBB 156/157 | UTIA, Knoxville, Tennessee| United States of America
Should you need further details about this event, please contact Sara Mulville (

Dr. Bernard Engel is a Senior Associate Dean of Agricultural Research and Graduate Education, Professor Agricultural & Biological Engineering at Purdue University. He is recognized as a leading international researcher in hydrologic/water quality modeling and environmental decision support tools. His research and teaching are focused on hydrologic/water quality models, their applications, and supporting technologies such as GIS and remote sensing that leverage the application and utility of these models. He has worked and continues to work with various hydrologic/water quality models including SWAT, L-THIA, APEX, GLEAMS, NAPRA, WEPP, ANSWERS, and AGNPS among others. His research efforts have provided improvements to these and other models as well as used them to address important scientific and policy questions. In his more than 33 years of experience working in these areas, he has published more than 300 peer reviewed journal articles on hydrologic/water quality models and their applications. Recognitions include American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) Outstanding Young Researcher Award, Outstanding Graduate Educator (Purdue University), Food Systems Leadership Institute Fellow, ASABE Fellow, ASABE Gilley Academic Leadership Award, ASABE ADS/Hancor Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Award.