Food-energy-water nexus for urban sustainability

Student Workshop Information
Wednesday, May 11th, 2022| 8:30am -11:30am EST
Thursday, May 12th, 2022| 8:30am -11:30am EST
Meeting Format: Virtual
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Sponsor and Organizers

Kathryn Kavanagh- USA
Expand content upDepartment of Agricultural Leadership, Education, Communications- University of Tennessee

Bo Wenhao- China
Expand content upAgricultural Resources and Environment, College of Land and Environment- Shenyang Agricultural University

Alivia Nytko- USA
Expand content upDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, College of Arts and Sciences- University of Tennessee

Yao Yuexi- China
Expand content upAgricultural Resources and Environment, College of Land and Environment- Shenyang Agricultural University

Duncan McCurry- USA
Expand content upDepartment of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Sciences- University of Tennessee

Guido Bambini- Argentina
Expand content upDepartment of Civil Engineering- National University of Rosario

Yinghui Chow- China
Expand content upAgricultural Resources and Environment, College of Land and Environment- Shenyang Agricultural University

Yushan Han- China
Expand content upAgricultural Resources and Environment, College of Land and Environment- Shenyang Agricultural University

Yu Bi- China
Expand content upAgricultural Resources and Environment, College of Land and Environment- Shenyang Agricultural University
Best Presentation Awards
Congratulations to all the winners!
Richard Owusu Ansah (Ghana),
Characterization and comparison of bacterial communities in cadmium-contaminated soil
Yinghui Chow (China)
Long-time N-based fertilizing changed community composition of nitrogen fixers
Amanda Kramer, (USA)
Energy wars — costs and consequences of continued trade of non-renewable energy resources
Can Liu, China
How to make urban water more environmentally friendly and ecological?
Duncan Mc Curry (USA)
Creating a network of urban food sources to combat rising food insecurity in the US
FEWSUS organizing committee